How Artificial Intelligence Impacted Digital Era

Artificial Intelligence describes the development of intelligent machines with thinking and behavior patterns similar to humans. Because of its smart capabilities, AI has the capacity to perform tasks with outstanding accuracy.

As per Jodie Sangster, CMO Liaison Lead at IBM Watson, AI is helping businesses save money step by step in various roles in digital marketing. “Artificial Intelligence is working as a catalyst for data-driven and technological transformation in the digital marketing industry” she added in one of her interviews.

It is believed that AI holds solutions to various challenges that have recently faced our industry. Also, it’s predicted that AI will tackle potential issues that might occur in the future.

3 Types of Artificial Intelligence

 • (ANI) Artificial Narrow Intelligence
This AI is created to perform small tasks with accuracy within its own domain. ANI is unable to make independent decisions outside of its specified domain. Some of these examples of ANI are image recognition systems, Siri, voice assistants, and recommendation algorithms.

 • (AGI) Artificial General Intelligence
This type of AI is capable of making independent decisions. Also, it has an intelligence level similar to human intellect and it’s capable of understanding, picking up, and applying information across a wide range of domains. However, it’s still a hypothetical idea that has not been fully developed.

 • (ASI) Artificial Super Intelligence
This kind of AI has capabilities that are superior to human intellect in all ways. ASI, if achieved, will have autonomous decision-making, problem-solving, and creative abilities.